Treating S3 as a git object store


In May 2021 my interest in learning Rust had really taken off, but I needed to find a toy project to work on so I could dive into it. I’d been fascinated by Git’s internals since I learned about them in 2018, and I used this as an excuse to build a remote helper letting git treat an S3 object store as a remote repository.

What’s an object store?

An object store, the most common of which is Amazon’s S3, is a storage solution where you can store and generic data using a key. They’ve exploded in popularity in the past few years due to their flexibility and low cost. People can store retrieve whatever data they want in the cloud using a standardized API. Pricing for these objects stores is a different story, but it’s been really helpful to developers to have such a flexible and standardized storage option.

How does this relate to git?

First, let’s take about what git is internally. Borrowing from the git reference book - “the core of Git is a simple key-value data store”. Git works by building a Merkle tree, where objects are referred to by their hashes and combined together to show a complete description of the source code in a given state. There are three main git objects used to do this; commits, trees, and blobs. Blobs are just raw content, usually text, but really can be any file. When git indexes any file it prepends a header to the file content saying it’s a binary blob, zlib compresses it, and then stores it using the SHA-1 hash of the content and header as the key. This blob is then referred to in a tree object, describing each directory under version control. This tree object is normally just a list of file names and the hashes of the blob that include the file content, and is compressed and hashed in a similar way to blobs. These tree objects can reference other trees, meaning that there’s one tree that can reference the state of the entire filesystem at once. This tree is then saved with a short description and metadata about that filesystem state into a commit object. These separate commits together also reference the commits previous to them, building a second Merkle tree to walk through the different filesystem states.

That was a long description, but what’s crazy is that’s it. Git has some additional features with garbage collection and efficiently sharing multiple objects, but at it’s core it’s really just a hash tree saved using an object store. That simplicity is crazy to me, but it begs the question, can we use S3 as a git repository?

Short answer: absolutely. Should we though? Probably not.

Putting it together

So far we’ve just talked about how git saves objects locally. To keep different repositories in sync it has a concept of remote repositories. These are just remote servers that you can publish a object store to so multiple people can download and upload their changes and collaborate. Built in git is able to communicate to these external repositories using https and ssh, but they include support for remote-helpers. These are helper scripts that git will call to be able to communicate with different remotes. There’s a couple well known helper scripts floating around, namely ones for dropbox and ipfs. Using this as an excuse to get more familiar with git’s internals, and to develop something using rust, I set out to built a remote helper that could communicate with a S3 bucket.

And it works!

# Add local binary to path so git will run it
$ export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/target/release

# Push a repository to s3
$ git remote add backblaze s3://
$ git push backblaze main
<wait a *very* long time>
Everything up-to-date

# What's in the bucket? The git object store
$ b2 ls remote-s3-test | tail -n 5
$ b2 ls remote-s3-test refs/heads

# Clone the repo (we need to specify the branch b/c we can't don't have a default set)
$ git clone s3:// -b main
Cloning into 'remote-s3-test'
$ cd remote-s3-test
$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

There are definite more improvements to be made, like handling pack files, garbage collection in the external repository, parallelism, and compressing objects in S3. Additionally it requires a compatible version of libssl on the host (using rust-native ssl libraries made the binary 250 MB!). This also begs the question of what value this has. Normally when a git repository is hosted, there’s a fair bit of management that needs to be done on the server side. This includes managing SSH keys, ensuring the different repositories have enough space and are backed up, managing the ssh/git server processes, etc. In short you would need to manage a compute and storage system to self-host git, or build automation to add authentication to a remote git server. In this case you only to worry about the storage consumed by the repositories. Authentication can be easier integrated with existing IAM tools already tied into S3. However, granular role controls are lost. Write access to the bucket to push testing branches allows overriding production branches.

Regardless of the downsides, currently this tool it works as a proof of concept to push and pull repositories to S3 buckets. If you’re interesting in reading more about it, the code is hosted on Github, along with pre-built binaries.

Want to learn more?

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